Made in Chelsea
It is the right time to glimpse behind the designer drapes of South West London and match the young socially elite of London. Yes, even they're immaculately dressed. Yes, they have been ambitious. And ofcourse that they party. However outside polo parties, cars that are fast and the posh accents, life isn't all champagne and canapés. Watch connections and the real-life rivalries which set mobiles and tongues wagging behind shut doors over the Kings Road. Enjoy every lovein, autumn out and played out over eight decadent events and bitch fest captured on camera.
SS 28 EPS 10
United Kingdom
- Eps 1: Eps 1: I Don’t Like Vegans, I Don’t Like Feminists And I Don’t Like People Who Are Gluten Free
- Eps 2: Eps 2: It’s Just Difficult To Tell Your Friends What’s Going On
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Our Future Is Doomed
- Eps 4: Eps 4: The Boy Learnt To Walk In Loaffers, He Will Probably Die Wearing His Loaffers
- Eps 5: Eps 5: I Don’t Think You Can Have A Proper Relationship Until You’ve Had Your Heart Broken
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Aluminium Is Not Really My Style
- Eps 7: Eps 7: We Don’t Need To Go Down Memory Lane Dude
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I Won’t Have A Buffet Until I’m Dead
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Two Can Play At That Game
- Eps 10: Eps 10: I’m More Domesticated Than A Cat
- Eps 11: Eps 11: Christmas Special 2017
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Christmas Ding Dong
- Eps 1: Eps 1: I Wanna Know Who She Is And Where She’s Come From
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Mimi Has Got A Boyfriend, Everyone Else Stay Calm
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Honestly, I’ve Never Felt Like This Before
- Eps 4: Eps 4: I’m Tortoise Sitting For My Neighbour
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Therapy Is Therapeutic, This Is Not Therapy
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Don’t Look At Me When You’re Taking Your Pants Off Please
- Eps 7: Eps 7: He Needs A Taste Of His Own Medicine
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I Literally Just Tried To Talk Dirty In Latin
- Eps 9: Eps 9: No One Wants To Shag Just A Personality
- Eps 10: Eps 10: It Is Baller To Be Bad In Bed
- Eps 11: Eps 11: Darling, Sabotage Is Such An Ugly Word
- Eps 12: Eps 12: End of Season Party
- Eps 1: Eps 1: If That’s A Slapped A* Then Slap Me Now
- Eps 2: Eps 2: I Hate When My Human Side Comes Out
- Eps 3: Eps 3: I Love It When You Get Deep And Dirty
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Rule Number One, Never Give Back The Diamonds Darling
- Eps 5: Eps 5: I Shan’t Be Climbed
- Eps 6: Eps 6: You’re A Beggy Little Bitch
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Some Would Say That I’m The King Of A Gesture
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I’m Going To Redeem Myself And Make Sure Everyone Loves Me
- Eps 9: Eps 9: You And I Have Gone Down A Very Dark Track
- Eps 10: Eps 10: I Was Too Blind To Hear It
- Eps 11: Eps 11: Christmas
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Big Christmas Quiz
- Eps 1: Eps 1: We Do Complicated, Don't We?
- Eps 2: Eps 2: You Showed My Friend’s Mum Your Testicle
- Eps 3: Eps 3: She's Like A Little Slippery Eel
- Eps 4: Eps 4: I Was Like The Funny Nice Douche, He’s Just A Douche
- Eps 5: Eps 5: This Boy Is Getting In Between Our Friendship
- Eps 6: Eps 6: She’s A Very Odd Bird
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Can We Have Another Sexual Revolution Please?
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I Need To Find A Tree And Feed It Chocolate
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Sometimes When You’re Drunk, The Truth Does Come Out
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Maybe Suck On A Sweet While I Tell You This
- Eps 11: Eps 11: I’m Gonna Meghan Markle Myself
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Some People Are Off Limits
- Eps 13: Eps 13: As Far As The Wrongest Thing You’ve Ever Done, This Ain’t That Bad
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Victoria, I Will Never Die
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Right, I’ve Got A Little Bit Of A Situation
- Eps 3: Eps 3: This Is Something That Chelsea Lacks – Common Decency!
- Eps 4: Eps 4: I’m The Opposite Of A Narcissist
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Who Brought Maeva?
- Eps 6: Eps 6: I Don’t Know How Many More Nails We Can Put In The Coffin
- Eps 7: Eps 7: He Must Be Great In The Sack
- Eps 8: Eps 8: He Needs To Go To Better Lad School
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Let’s Break Some Bread
- Eps 10: Eps 10: If Anyone Could Ride A Lion It’s Tristan
- Eps 11: Eps 11: The Dudelsack Is Out!
- Eps 12: Eps 13: End of Yah Quiz
- Eps 13: Eps 14: I Have A Girlfriend... On Paper
- Eps 14: Eps 15: Let's Get Married
- Eps 1: Eps 1: I Need My Binky Back
- Eps 2: Eps 2: I Like Playing In The Danger Zone
- Eps 3: Eps 3: I Don't Care If It's My Battle Or Not
- Eps 4: Eps 4: If You're Secure In Your Relationship, It Shouldn't Be An Issue
- Eps 5: Eps 5: 99% Of The Population Will Understand What I'm Saying
- Eps 6: Eps 6: She Doesn't Trust Him To Be Around Me
- Eps 1: Eps 1: 3AM is Prime Time Booty Call
- Eps 2: Eps 2: You're Leaving A Couple Of Vipers For Another Couple Of Vipers
- Eps 3: Eps 3: With Great Rig Comes Great Responsibility
- Eps 4: Eps 4: I Did Something Really Bad
- Eps 5: Eps 5: You're My Friend, But I Also Quite Wanna Kiss You
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Once The Sex Is Gone, The Relationship Is Gone
- Eps 7: Eps 7: I Can Get Hard If You Need Me To, Clive
- Eps 8: Eps 8: You Get Angry At Your Own Voice
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Crumbs
- Eps 10: Eps 10: She Just Got A Bit Over Familiar
- Eps 11: Eps 11: Ctrl + Alt + Delete Habbs
- Eps 12: Eps 12: The Wedding
- Eps 1: Eps 1: It's Just...Lighting The Match
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Stop Spitting On My Mink!
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Julius Is Nursing A Semi
- Eps 4: Eps 4: I Don't Play Hard To Get
- Eps 5: Eps 5: I've Had More Comfortable Gynaecological Appointments
- Eps 6: Eps 6: The Thing With You Maeva Is You're Just Slightly Misunderstood
- Eps 7: Eps 7: I'm Coming From A Good Place...For Once
- Eps 8: Eps 8: We've Just Had A Nice Friendly Jacuzzi... What's Up With That?
- Eps 9: Eps 9: I'm Moody, If You're Broody
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Hurry Up And Break Up With Your Boyfriend
- Eps 11: Eps 11: I Will Skateboard On Your Head
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Prince Charmings Will Come And Go…But I’ll Always Be Here
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Did You Miss Me A Little Bit
- Eps 2: Eps 2: You're Literally Pouring Gasoline on the Fire
- Eps 3: Eps 3: I Think You're Dismissed Now
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Trust Is Built In Droplets And Lost In Buckets
- Eps 5: Eps 5: I Want a Man Who Buys Me Diamonds, Not Silver
- Eps 6: Eps 6: My Heart Was Made Into Beef Carpaccio
- Eps 7: Eps 7: If They Get Married I Will Eat My Own Scrotum
- Eps 8: Eps 8: This is a Very Big Red Flag in Front of a Very Scary Bull
- Eps 9: Eps 9: I’m Sorry for Having a Moment of Weakness
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Big Dig Energy
- Eps 11: Eps 11: Christmas: I Didn’t Realise How Well Endowed You Were
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Christmas (2)
- Eps 1: Eps 1: She's Like a Snake in Sheep's Clothing
- Eps 2: Eps 2: I'm Back
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Fashion Is Repulsive
- Eps 4: Eps 4: The Truth Always Comes Out
- Eps 5: Eps 5: I'll Literally Regret It Forever
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Let's Give It Another Go
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Is There No Decorum Anymore?
- Eps 8: Eps 8: Silence Speaks Volumes
- Eps 9: Eps 9: This Is His Worst Nightmare
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Why Be Kind When You Can Be a Bitch?
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Miles is My Little Protégé
- Eps 2: Eps 2: She’s Burnt More Bridges Than There Are in London
- Eps 3: Eps 3: You Are the Bane of My Life and the Love of My Life
- Eps 4: Eps 4: She Just Kept Talking Like A Dishwasher
- Eps 5: Eps 5: You're Not George Clooney
- Eps 6: Eps 6: I'm A One Guy Kinda Girl
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Take Your Red Bus And Shove It Up Your Ars*h*le
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I've Got A Feeling I Might Like Her More Than Julius
- Eps 9: Eps 9: You Don't Really Know Someone Until You Kiss Them
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Maeva Is Definitely The Head Of The Snake
- Eps 1: Eps 1: I’ve Never Felt More Single In My Life
- Eps 2: Eps 2: I Want You to be Happy In a ‘More Is More’ Way
- Eps 3: Eps 3: In England We Play Happy Families
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Ive Heard Quieter Chihuahuas
- Eps 5: Eps 5: If Lily’s Tongue Wasn’t Down Billy’s Throat It Was Up Harvey’s Arse
- Eps 6: Eps 6: I'm Living In His Head Rent Free
- Eps 7: Eps 7: It Was Cringy, It Was Creepy and I Did It
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I Can't Argue With Stupid
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Rosé and Emotions Got the Better of Me
- Eps 10: Eps 10: One Of You Needs To Bite The Bullet
- Eps 11: Eps 11: The Only Pain I Want in My Life is Champagne
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Don't Get Dickmatized By This Man
- Eps 2: Eps 2: We Love The Grey Zone
- Eps 3: Eps 3: And The Pot Has Been Stirred
- Eps 4: Eps 4: When Life Gives You Lemons, Get With Olivia Bentley
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Here's Your Box Of Bullshit
- Eps 6: Eps 6: You're Going To Have To Park Your Principles In Your Ass Right Now
- Eps 7: Eps 7: My Eyes Just Did Five Blackflips
- Eps 8: Eps 8: I'm Looking For A Nicer, Calmer Life
- Eps 1: Eps 1: He Likes Gardening, You Like Gucci
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Did We Witness A Pantomime?
- Eps 3: Eps 3: I Wanna Release My Freak
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Exes Be Gone
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Have I Let Go Of The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me?
- Eps 6: Eps 6: I Always Get Sucked Back In
- Eps 7: Eps 7: There Was An Absolute Vibe
- Eps 8: Eps 8: Doesn't She Look Like a Tall Glass of Champagne?
- Eps 9: Eps 9: "I Put Onions On Hot Dogs, So Might As Well Put Them On Caviar"
- Eps 10: Eps 10: "Is Your Ego That Big?"
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