Bernard is a string of animated shorts based on character and the polar bear of the exact identical name. It's a. Each episode have many moments of slapstick and targets the bear's fascination. Bernard never talks together with the exception of noises that are unintelligible. Bernard is accompanied in the animations by a few personalities: Lloyd along with Eva that the penguins, Zack that the lizard, Goliat that the chihuahua, Sam the baby, Pilot your dog, Pokey the porcupine along with Santa Claus. He usually gets dizzy or severely wounded towards the conclusion of the episode, thanks to a calamity. Produced by the Korean company RG Animation Studios, using the expense of the Spanish BRB Internacional the Korean broadcaster EBS and the French M6, the cartoon style is obviously a combination of cel and computer-generated animation. The stories are written by the studio Screen21 that is ingenious, the directors are José Claudio Biern Lliviria along with Luis Ucha Enríquez. The music has been compiled by Oscar Maceda Rodríguez. Bernard was nominated for a number of awards, such as Best Animation series at the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, Mipcom Jr.. Licensing Fight Award, Prize in Kids and Education at the Dong-A International Festival of Animation & Cartoon and has been a finalist at the Annecy International Animation Festival.
Released: 2006-12-18
Duration: SS EPS