
PJ Masks
Connor, Greg and Amaya are normal kids daily, but at night they activate their bracelets, which connect in their pajamas and give them fantastic super powers, turning them in their identities: The PJ Masks. The team is made up of Catboy (Connor), Gekko (Greg) and also Owelette (Amaya). They solve puzzles, move on experiences, and also learn valuable lessons.
Released: 2015-09-18
Family , Animation , Kids
Kyle Breitkopf , Jacob Ewaniuk , Addison Holley
Duration: SS 5 EPS 24
United States of America
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Blame It on the Train, Owlette - Catboy's Cloudy Crisis
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip - Catboy and the Pogo Dozer
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos - Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Catboy and the Shrinker - Owlette and the Moonball
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade - Owlette the Winner
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Speak Up, Gekko! - Catboy and Master Fang's Sword
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Catboy vs. Robo-Cat - Owlette and the Giving Owl
- Eps 8: Eps 8: Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue - Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Looking After Gekko - Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Catboy's Tricky Ticket - Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile
- Eps 11: Eps 11: Catboy's Flying Fiasco - Gekko's Stay at Home Sneezes
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Gekko Saves Christmas - Gekko's Nice Ice Plan
- Eps 13: Eps 13: Clumsy Catboy - Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem
- Eps 14: Eps 14: Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage - Owlette's Feathered Friend
- Eps 15: Eps 15: Owlette and the Battling Headquarters - Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum
- Eps 16: Eps 16: Catboy Takes Control - Owlette's Two Wrongs
- Eps 17: Eps 17: Gekko Floats - Catboy's Two Wheeled Wonder
- Eps 18: Eps 18: Catboy's Great Gig - Owlette's New Move
- Eps 19: Eps 19: Supersonic Owlette - Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot
- Eps 20: Eps 20: Owlette of a Kind - Beat the Drum, Catboy
- Eps 21: Eps 21: Catboy Squared - Gekko's Super Gekko Sense
- Eps 22: Eps 22: Owlette and the Owletteenies - Gekko's Blame Campaign
- Eps 23: Eps 23: Owlette and the Moonflower - Slowpoke Gekko
- Eps 24: Eps 24: Catboy and the Lunar Dome - Gekko and the Rock of All Power
- Eps 25: Eps 25: Super-Sized Gekko! - Take to the Skies, Owlette
- Eps 26: Eps 26: Slow Down Catboy - Gekko's Special Rock
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Moonfizzle Balls - Soccer Ninjalinos
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Lionel-Saurus - Catboy's Cuddly
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Night of the Cat - Catboy Does It Again
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Terrible Two-Some - Owlette's Luna Trouble
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Ninja Moths - Who's Got the Owl Power?
- Eps 6: Eps 6: PJ Pinball - Bounce-a-Tron
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Wacky Floats - Romeo's Disguise
- Eps 8: Eps 8: PJ Robot - PJ Powerup
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Moonstruck: Race to the Moon (1)& (2)
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Robot's Pet Cat - Gekko, Master of the Deep
- Eps 11: Eps 11: May the Best Power Win - Moonbreaker
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Race Up Mystery Mountain - The Mountain Prisoner
- Eps 13: Eps 13: The Wolfy Kids - Wolf-O-Saurus
- Eps 14: Eps 14: Catboy No More - Gekko vs. Splatcano
- Eps 15: Eps 15: Meet Armadylan - Invisible Owlette
- Eps 16: Eps 16: Wolfy Mountain - Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan
- Eps 17: Eps 17: Nobody's sidekick - Armadylan Menace
- Eps 18: Eps 18: Power Pondweed - Owlette Comes Clean
- Eps 19: Eps 19: Halloween Tricksters (1)
- Eps 20: Eps 20: Halloween Tricksters (2) - The Wolfies Take HQ
- Eps 21: Eps 21: The Good Wolfy - The Wolfy Plan
- Eps 22: Eps 22: The Lizard Theft - PJ Dylan
- Eps 23: Eps 23: Armadylan'd and Dangerous - Romeo's Action Toys
- Eps 24: Eps 24: The Dragon Gong - Flight of the Ninja
- Eps 25: Eps 25: Romeocoaster - Gekko and the Opposite Ray
- Eps 26: Eps 26: PJ Masks vs. Bad Guys United - Easter Wolfies
- Eps 27: Eps 42: The Lizard Theft
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Moon Madness
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Armadylan and Robette Rule - Armadylan Zen
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Way of the Woofy - Werejalinos
- Eps 4: Eps 4: PJ Comet - Glowy Moths
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Teacher Goes Ninja - Robot Goes Wrong
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Lionels Powers - Best Friends Forever
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Meet An Yu
- Eps 8: Eps 8: Moon Prix - Pirates Ahoy
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Secret of the Pagoda - Storm of the Ninja
- Eps 10: Eps 10: Arma-Leader - Owlette Slips Up
- Eps 11: Eps 11: The Splat Monster
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Moth on the Moon - Fly Me to the Moon
- Eps 13: Eps 13: Lunas Cosmic Tantrum - Motsuki The Best
- Eps 14: Eps 14: Wheels of a Hero - Moonwolfy
- Eps 15: Eps 15: Clash on Mystery Mountain - A Teeny Weeny Problem
- Eps 16: Eps 16: Take Romeo Off the Road - Mission PJ Seeker
- Eps 17: Eps 17: Wolfy Powers-Do the Gekko
- Eps 18: Eps 18: Armadylan Action Hero-Super Muscles Show Off
- Eps 19: Eps 19: The Prank Wheelz-Wheres the Wolfie Wheelz
- Eps 20: Eps 20: Villain of the Sky-Protector of the Sky
- Eps 21: Eps 21: Masks Save Christmas
- Eps 22: Eps 22: Romeos Melody-PJ Robot Takes Control
- Eps 23: Eps 23: PJ Sky Pirates-The Disappearing Ninja
- Eps 24: Eps 24: Gekko Everywhere-Gekko Takes Charge
- Eps 25: Eps 25: Big Sister Motsuki-PJ Party Crasher
- Eps 26: Eps 26: Master of the Moat-PJ Robot vs Romeo
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Heroes of the Sky
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Who Let the Moths In - Commander Meow
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Motsukis Missing Sister - Not So Ninja
- Eps 4: Eps 4: PJ Party Mountain - Woflies of the Pagoda
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Master Fangs Secret - Aerodylan
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Asteroid Accident - All About Asteroids
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Romeos Space Machine - Newton and the Ninjas
- Eps 8: Eps 8: Missing Space Rock - Flying Factory Out of Control
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Munkigu - Munkigu in the City
- Eps 1: Eps 1: Ninja Power Up
- Eps 2: Eps 2: Luna Goes Too Far - Owly Tricks
- Eps 3: Eps 3: Newton the Destructo - Luna Kazoomer
- Eps 4: Eps 4: Baddie Bots
- Eps 5: Eps 5: Octobella Strikes Again - Octobella on the Loose
- Eps 6: Eps 6: Tenny Weeny to the Rescue - Invisible Munki-Gu
- Eps 7: Eps 7: Orticia Blooms - Orticia and the Pumpkins
- Eps 8: Eps 8: Pirate Robot - Owlette The Pirate Queen
- Eps 9: Eps 9: Catboys Magic Trick - Gekko the Croc
- Eps 10: Eps 10: The Camping Trip - Pondweed Party
- Eps 11: Eps 11: A Percival Problem - Luna Girls Sleepover
- Eps 12: Eps 12: Dragon Dance - An Yu and the Cave Stones
- Eps 13: Eps 13: Midnight Snack Attack - Voyage of the Golden Asteroid
- Eps 14: Eps 14: Carla and Cartoka
- Eps 15: Eps 15: PJ Riders - Flashcar In The Sky
- Eps 16: Eps 16: Lunas Mega Moth - Captain Pirate Robot
- Eps 17: Eps 17: Crash Track Trick - Gekko’s Speedy Lizard
- Eps 18: Eps 18: Night Ninja’s School of Ninja Naughtiness - The Jolly Ninjalino
- Eps 19: Eps 19: The Power of Mystery Mountain
- Eps 20: Eps 20: Slow And Sneaky - The PJ Riders Save The Day
- Eps 21: Eps 21: Moon Marooned - Newton and the Star Splat
- Eps 22: Eps 22: Trick Or Treat
- Eps 23: Eps 23: Heroes of the Road
- Eps 24: Eps 24: Lunas Moon Attack
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